The rhythms of Heartbeats rippling across Mind

Posts tagged ‘joys’



An innocent smile

sways you to oblivion

with divinity!!!

That’s Why I am Handsome!

Attempting to get you to smile………………………..


A girl wanted to tease her boy friend gently and asked him smilingly, “Dear, would you let me know why are you so handsome?”

The boy could see through her intention and looked at her from bottom to top innocently and asked her respectfully to answer his simple question, so that he could answer her properly.

And, then he asked her “How have you been so beautiful?”

The girl felt teased on being asked so. She made up her mind to baffle him and answered, “I am so beautiful because I eat stale, overcooked food twice a day. I take milk when it turns sour and relish fruit when it smells bad.”

Then, the boy answered excitedly, “That is why I am handsome!”

The girl said, “What? You mean you also take such and such food?”

The boy said plainly, “No, of course not! I never take that, like you. So, I am handsome. If I took that way, I would have been beautiful like you, not handsome!”


Hi everybody!

Just breaking a long silence.

I am hopeful you, my blogger friends, my well wishers, always wished and wish me to keep doing something and sharing with you. Today I am here with a HAIKU with some new taste or rather a new experiment with HAIKU. It is acronymic. So, what about calling it an Acronymic Haiku?


“It means I Laud U.”
‘No! I Love U!’ “What?! GET LOST!!!”
‘Oh, no!!!!! I Lost U!’





Good Heavens! It is a wonderful day
YOU sent SOMEONE to help us.
All the pains that we have,
HE is always here to take away from us. 

The DAY of glory has unveiled itself,
There appears the HOPE of sun.
Shedding the rays of JOYS and JUBILATION
It recharges us one by one. 

It is the ARRIVAL DAY of The LIGHT of the WORLD,
The 25th December!
HE arrives every year; HE is always with us with PEACE and LOVE;
The DAY makes us remember! 

HE has ushered us
And guided all of us all the way.
MERRIMENT!The greatest one
We yearn to share with the beginning of the day.

My heart smiles and wishes you all PLEASURE, PEACE and PROSPERITY
Warmly wrapped up in the velvet of HUMANITY that people have a yen every day. 

The 25th December, the COOL CANDID CARING DAY!! 

Merry Christmas!


Haiku: Hope Not!

Hope Not!

Nothing lasts for ever
Enjoy what is in your reach
Hope for nothing, dear!

Haiku: Balance


I feel your presence
Your absence equally, too
That’s what keeps me sane!


Hi, hmmm…No! Not ‘Hi’, but ‘Hello’…Hello friend…no- no… FRIENDS!

Hello friends!

I am dead sure you are exhausted, tired, sick of being served with HAIKU after HAIKU, moreover of the same taste in an impatient-making CHAIN on destruction and only destruction. I realized long ago you wanna change, but my going single-minded proved me a great pauper, lacking newness. So, giving a break to the lethargic HAIKU-CHAIN, and inserting something, but….  What? Just something, some words of my personal feelings on friends and friendship. Wanna go ahead? 🙂

Let, let me first ask you about you?

Hello! How are the days rolling ahead?

Hope you are all so fine. Would you like to know about me? Yeah?

Me…  Just so-so!  🙂  Just as you left me after the last “Hello, Hi”.

Well, some change has of course occurred, but, but I can’t understand how I could exactly express how exactly I am now! The exactness has gone unreachable to my words or I have been unable to manage the words.

Yeah! The words, they are unmanageable at times, untypical they turn, so confusing! Confused whether they are teaching me something new or mocking!!

Unable to select, to make a right choice for….. .

Anyway, it doesn’t matter and nor does it pain so much as when feelings fail us.

It is not words that govern us but feelings, intense ones, which have always made us feel empty of words. Some things, no-no, MANY MORE things! They get entrapped with their originalities!! Words… too helpless to help us…going random, cos there fails the governance of mind overshadowed by the emotions, the feelings, SHAPELESS or of COUNTLESS SHAPES changing instantly, welling UP and UP, out of heart spilling in all the directions, uncontrollably just as jubilant school kids running wild out of the school compound, the tiring imprisonment in discipline, rules and regulations. So, there occur some natural slips and skids with words. Thoughts get derailed, injuring the hearts! Anyway, in some corner of the heart, the friend’s heart, there feels some warmth,..  some flickering lamp of hope,…. some light at the end of tunnel…. I still feel…..

Friendship!….  Yeah, in the beginning it feels quite new, a new comer in search of some comfort in a rowdy place of celebration,…. in a hub of new faces. Later on, the acquaintance grows wider and deeper, and the feelings of care and concern are naturally shared, cos they surface spontaneously. That is the way friendship, as it grows older, gets linked with closeness. The days of sharing life experiences, thoughts, imaginativeness with the flow of words in shape of writings and write-ups seem so charming. Encouraging and getting encouraged and criticizing openheartedly and getting criticized with smiles and laughers are the essence of friendship growing stronger, I feel. … What else is left to ask for in the name of friendship apart from such true friendly feelings, uncorrupted and untouched by any ills and evils? After having oneself strung as a bead into the ever-growing string, if one is destined to feel lonely with no response from a friend, what could the feeling taste like to the fellow?…. Have you ever…..?  If some fellows are yearning to speak a lot, to share bouquets of joys ….  under the disguise of writing, creating, commenting, supporting, and so on, but they get pushed off, kept off the cheers by some shift in understanding, or lack of time or poor health or …. something else, undisclosed… , how could the fellows feel or forget the warmth of closeness? It is strange; no one knows in how many ways this fragile heart is to get used to aching? A range of aches we have been fated to taste silently!

Anyway, anyhow,… perhaps, that is how life has been gifted to us, isn’t it?

What else could be pronounced apart from the following few lines?

Smile back at friendship, dears!

Be devoid of SILENCE, nothing precious are you to be cost!

Be full of vigor with better health and say HELLO – we miss you the most!





Silence, She Broke It!!

Sequel – 3

Now it seems that the long-felt struggle between mind and heart has appeared in a logical shape. And, let me guide your curiosity to a happy end, what exactly there is after the turning; and, what exactly she broke was nothing but her long-maintained Mysterious Silence. Thank God! She broke it! After all, she has proved that she has a soft throbbing heart. She is soft-hearted, not stone-hearted, not heartless!!!

Let’s smile together, shall we?




Speechless, dumbfounded, I am in Joys, not in Pang!

May-be, she got Moved or changed her Mood, appeared on the Window!!

With big Screams, in Melodious Sound, her Heart she Sang!

Dying Hopes revived, Choking Soul back to Life, Fresh like Meadow!!


Thank God! Melted with my Plea, you started to Speak!

Now, I feel how Soothing your Speech is, and Chats with you, your Smiles!!

Now Gone all the Torture I bore Many a Week!

By God, dear, your Words ease my Tough Journey of Many More Miles!!


………………………………the Lonely Journey of Many Many More Miles!!!

………………………….the Struggleful Journey of Life of Thousands of Miles!!!!


Bye Dear!

Take Care!!


I will be back soon but I can’t promise when!

Hope you will at least try to remember me till then!!
