The rhythms of Heartbeats rippling across Mind

Posts tagged ‘Duty’


Hurried I did with an unseen burden on the back and a duty in the hand.

The steps that were once so light felt heavier and heavier along the way of sand.

Yet, no alternative did I wish to opt there to my relentless heavy walking.

Felt my soul, my good companion and my inspirational guide, silently talking.

I was oblivious and enjoying the silent talk complemented by

My silent response with soft smiles over the face baffling the passers-by.

Going on and on non-stop just with a faint hope without expecting any oasis,

Struggling, treading ahead without heaving a single sigh was my life’s basis.

Said a ‘Hello’  to several joys of heaven and countless sorrows of hell on the way.

Oh! The heart started sinking and the soul willing to rest; I felt it was time I lay!

The glowing sun  to set down the oceanic horizon seems to be wishing a good rest.

The crimson sandy bed under the calm sky , rest in nature’s lap would be the best.